I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) in Kaiserslautern, Germany 🇩🇪. Originally, I am from Podgorica, Montenegro 🇲🇪. I am currently working with Björn Brandenburg on the TOROS project that was supported by an ERC starting grant. My current research focuses on the probabilistic analysis of real-time and cyber-physical systems. In a nutshell, computing systems are increasingly more complex, and their timing behavior must be predictable in many use cases (automotive industry 🚗, avionics ✈️, medical devices 🏥, aerospace and space industry 🚀) to name a few.
For example, in autonomous vehicles and drones, it is important to detect obstacles, but it is essential that the computation system enables avoiding the obstacle on time⏳, before the collision ⚠️. However, due to the increased complexity of modern functionalities (visual processing, ML, and AI algorithms, etc.), it is a challenging problem to guarantee correct timing behavior 💻 +⏳
In my research, I use statistics 📈, probability theory 🎲, and randomized algorithms to analyze and control the timing behavior of complex systems, provide formal guarantees about their safety, and construct novel scheduling algorithms that overcome the NP-hard nature in many scheduling problems.
🚧 🏗️ The web page is under construction. I am sorry for the missing information.
Overview of duties and accomplishments:
Overview of duties and accomplishments:
Overview of duties and accomplishments:
PhD supervisor: Jan Carlson
PhD thesis: Preemption-Delay Aware Schedulability Analysis of Real-Time Systems